Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Stump the Librarian: Day Four

Today's Stump the Librarian question is relevant to the holiday of Passover: Are there Kosher for Passover, gluten-free paper plates?

Short answer: yes.
Longer answer: You wouldn’t normally think that paper plates might contain gluten, but it is sometimes possible that the starch used in binding the paper pulp could contain wheat (which is a no-no for Passover). Furthermore, there are stringent requirements for certifying a product as Kosher for Passover (and there are multiple Kosher certification agencies). The Orthodox Union states that people may use paper goods containing corn starch even though they are not certified (source:* Another certifying agency, OK, has a list of Kosher for Passover paper plates here: *

*Worcester Public Library does not endorse any of the aforementioned certifying agencies/products and is not responsible for determining if a particular product meets certain standards. Please check with a religious official if you have additional questions on this subject.
Thanks to everyone who submitted a question today for our fourth day of Stump the Librarian as part of our National Library Week festivities! Each day from 4/9-4/15, we will select a question and try to answer it (we welcome all ages to ask questions!). You may submit your challenging questions in person using our box by the self checkout machines at the Main Library, email us at (subject: Stump the Librarian), or PM us on Facebook! If you stump us, you'll win a library lovers prize (if you don't stump us, you'll still get a prize)! Good luck!

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