Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Q: Can Kindle users borrow ebooks from the library or download free ebooks online?

A: At this point, Amazon's Kindle won’t let you read library's ebooks. Let’s hope things will change in the future. However, you can download many free ebooks from the following websites to your Kindle according to Amazon.com. Internet Archive - Over 2.5 million free titles Internet Archive is a non-profit dedicated to offering permanent access to historical collections that exist in digital format. Provides over 2.5 million free ebooks to read, download, and enjoy. 1. Visit archive.org. 2. Search for a title or browse one of the sub-collections like American Libraries. 3. When viewing a title, click the link on the left labeled "Kindle (beta)" to download the file to your computer. 4. Attach your Kindle to your computer using your USB cable and drag the file to the "Documents" folder on your Kindle. You can also e-mail the file to your Kindle using Whispernet for wireless delivery (charges may apply). 5. Open the ebook from your Kindle's home screen and enjoy.
Open Library - Over 1 million free titles Open Library's goal is to provide a page on the web for every book ever published. 1. Visit openlibrary.org. 2. Search for a title and make sure to check the 'Only show eBooks' checkbox. 3. When viewing a title, click the 'Send to Kindle' link next to the edition in which you're interested. 4. You will be directed to Amazon.com to choose a device for wireless delivery using the Kindle Personal Document Service (charges apply). 5. Open the ebook from your Kindle's home screen and enjoy.
Project Gutenberg - Over 30,000 free titles Project Gutenberg, one of the original sources of free ebooks, is dedicated to the creation and distribution of eBooks. 1. Visit gutenberg.org. 2. Search for a title or browse the book shelves by topic. 3. When viewing a title, scroll down to the 'Download this ebook for free' section and click the download link for 'Mobipocket' or 'Mobipocket with images' format. 4. Attach your Kindle to your computer using your USB cable and drag the file to the "Documents" folder on your Kindle. You can also e-mail the file to your Kindle using Whispernet for wireless delivery (charges may apply). 5. Open the ebook from your Kindle's home screen and enjoy.
ManyBooks.net - Over 26,000 free titles ManyBooks.net provides free ebooks as a service to the Internet community at large. 1. Visit manybooks.net. 2. Search for a title or browse by genre. 3. When viewing a title, choose the "Kindle (.azw)" option on the right hand side and click the 'Download' button. 4. Attach your Kindle to your computer using your USB cable and drag the file to the "Documents" folder on your Kindle. You can also e-mail the file to your Kindle using Whispernet for wireless delivery (charges may apply). 5. Open the ebook from your Kindle's home screen and enjoy. *If you have any questions, feel free to email Ping Electronic Resources librarian.

Monday, January 10, 2011


What is POTUS?
The term stands for The President of the United States.
The above website covers background information, election results, cabinet members, presidency highlights, and some odd facts on each of the presidents.
The links include historical documents, audio and video files, and various presidential sites.

Yet another site devoted to the presidents is part of The American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
This site contains a searchable database of tens of thousands of documents from 1789 to the present. It also features data on topics such as popularity and the number of public appearances, election results back to 1828, and an archive of audio and video clips.

Whether you are doing a school product, a serious research project, or just can't get enough trivia, these sites will answer all your questions....perhaps all but who will be the next POTUS?

Friday, January 7, 2011


Availability of Paper Tax Forms

Federal tax forms were released for distribution on January 6, 2011. The Worcester Public Library has paper copies of form 1040 (no instructions), 1040A (no instructions) and 1040EZ (with instructions). Publication 17 is available. There are other forms and schedules available but not all. The government expects all forms to be available at libraries, post offices and IRS offices at the end of January.

Massachusetts tax forms for full time residents and part time residents are available. However, the Massachusetts tax booklets do not come with instructions. As of now the instructions are only available online.

Online Tax Forms and Publications

Click here to find online federal and state tax forms and publications.

Places to call:

Massachusetts Department of Revenue Worcester Office
State Tax Forms
67 Millbrook Street
Worcester, Ma 01609
Tel: 508-792-7300
For Massachusetts taxpayer assistance call: 1-800-392-6089

Massachusetts Department of the Internal Revenue
Federal Tax Forms
120 Front Street
6th Floor
Worcester, MA

Phone numbers for federal tax forms and help
Tax Forms 1-800-829-3676
Recorded Refund/Tax Info 1-800-829-4477
Federal Tax Info 1-800-829-1040
Problem Resolution Office 1-800-829-1040

Free Tax Assistance

  • The Worcester Public Library will be offering free tax assistance on Saturday mornings beginning in February. Tax assistance is by appointment only. Please call 508-799-1655 to find out when the library will begin making appointments.

  • Worcester Community Action Council, 484 Main Street 508-754-1176 x234

  • Worcester State University, 486 chandler Street 508-929-8424

  • Main South CDC, 875 Main Street 508-752-6181

  • Plumley Village, 16 Laurel Street 508-770-0508
  • Worcester Senior Center, 128 Providence Street 508-799-1232, offers AARP income tax preparation for individuals age 60 and over who have moderate to low income. The service is by appointment only. To make an appointment, call 508-799-1232 between 1-3 pm and ask for Janet Bresnahan.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

WPL extends its Chat hours in the new year!

Beginning in 2011, the Worcester Public Library extends its "Chat with a Librarian" service from limited hours (3:00pm - 5:30pm) to all hours when the library is open.

This chat service lets patrons and library staff ask questions and get answers online from WPL reference librarians.

Mobile users of iPhone, Android and Palm can also download an app directly onto their phone.

If your library has WPL chat box embeded or chat information on your library website. please update the service hours on your library's website. Feel free to use the wording on WPL Ask a Librarian page.

Email pchen@worcpublib.org if you have any questions.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

WPL launches its own Text a Librarian Service in the new year!

On the go and need an answer?Text your question to 508.335.2396 and get an answer delivered to your cell phone. This service, staffed by professional librarians, is available during library hours.

(This number is for text messaging only. Standard text messaging charges may apply. Please use 508-799-1655 x3 to speak with a reference librarian.) Read more...
If you have any questions, feel free to email pchen@worcpublib.org.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Learning Express Library

Worcester Public Library staff see a high demand for study guides and practice tests. Half of the patrons are students that attend the local high schools and colleges. The other half comprise central Mass residents that are seeking a career change or a way to better their positions. We make every attempt to purchase examination guides in as many subject areas as we possibly can. We sometimes have a waiting list for GED, ASVAB and MTEL guides.

However, patrons are not aware that we also subscribe to a database called Learning Express Library. This database contains literally hundreds of practice tests in eleven broad areas of study: workplace skills, computer skills, GED Prep, occupation practice tests, U.S. Citizenship, as well as math and literacy skills for all school ages.

Some of the more popular tests include:
  • Civil Service
  • Math Skills Improvement
  • Military
  • Nursing
  • Teaching
  • Real Estate

A new feature offered by Learning Express Library is the ability to download an electronic book to your home computer. If, for instance, you were preparing for the entrance exam to nursing school you have the option of taking at least a hundred practice tests (over and over again) or you can download a nursing study guide.

To use this database all you need is a valid Worcester Public Library card.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Test-Driving Google eBooks

Linda Holmes of NPR writes: “Google launched its online bookstore, Google eBooks, on December 6—a long-awaited and much-discussed entrant into electronic bookselling. Google is advertising the store as compatible with computers, iPads and iPhones, Android devices, standalone e-readers including Sony and Nook devices, as well as others that run Adobe Digital Editions. (But not your Kindle, there, buddy.) Read more ...