Kanopy is a dedicated video streaming service featuring movies from a wide variety of genres, including independent and world cinema, documentaries, instructional films and TV series. Over 30,000 films without advertisements plus selected content from prominent producers such as Criterion Collection, Great Courses, BBC and PBS are all conveniently available in one place.
Kanopy is brought to you by the Worcester Public Library and is easily accessible via free apps on TV, phone, tablet, and computer. Check out is through a ticket system and each WPL cardholder receives 9 tickets per month for viewing. Tickets do not carry over from month to month. Most titles cost 2 tickets while major studio titles might cost 4 tickets. Tickets for titles published as series, including Great Courses, vary based on total running time.
Many titles considered as ticket-free are also available and these are labeled as 0 tickets. Users can conveniently view the number of tickets required for a specific title, and the duration of their access on the title's details page before hitting the play button.
There is a separate section for kids on the site called Kanopy Kids. Unlike adults, no tickets are required and the entire content is available for unlimited viewing. Geared to be both educational and entertaining, this curated collection is for kids aged 2-8. Only age-appropriate content is visible while you are here and parental controls can be set up to ensure kids safely stay in this section. A WPL card is required to access both the adults and kids sections of Kanopy.