Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hope on Call

The phrase "doctor on call" has been given a new meaning.
A group of students from Stanford University are revolutionizing health care in rural Africa using old cell phones.
Recycled cell phones are given to community health workers to connect long distant patients to a medical clinic.

The students are part of a health initiative that collects the usable cell phones throughout the United States, and distribute them to third world countries.

As an example, in just six months at a hospital in rural Malawi....150 patients received emergency care. Community health workers saved 1,000 hours of travel time which they used to visit more patients. The number of people being treated for tuberculosis doubled, and the hospital saved $3,500 worth of fuel.

How will my phone make an impact?
Every cell phone given to a community health worker connects distant patients to a medical clinic. A $10.00 phone will give 50 families access to emergency medical care, health information, transport services, and clinic resources.
To read further and get involved, visit the above website.
This is another way of going green for a very good cause.

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