See what your fellow patrons are saying about their summer reads below!

The Lonely Hearts Hotel
by Heather O'Neill
The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O'Neill 2/5 stars. If only this book were as lovely as the cover. Overall I found this book crass and a too all over the place more my liking. The occasional quote that would seem perfectly lovely totally out of the context of the book bumped it up just over 1 star. I also was able to read through it in a little over a day - if it had taken any longer, I don't think the occasional lovely prose would have redeemed it enough to justify that extra star.
True story I only picked this book up at the library (side note - read more library books) because the spine caught my eye and I thought the cover art was lovely and sweet. That'll show me to read books solely based on the cover.
~ Tracy M.
~ Tracy M.

Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English
by Natasha Solomons
Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English is a charming debut novel. I fell in love with the protagonist as soon as I started reading it. At times, the story is funny, at times it is sad. Natasha Solomons tenderly explores the experiences of finding home in a new place and what it means to have a sense of belonging.
~ Yash P.
~ Yash P.
Fahrenheit 451
60th Anniversary Edition
by Ray Bradbury
forward by Neil Gaiman
“It was a pleasure to burn.” This opening line is one of my favorites of all time. So powerful and captivating. This book review is about the 60th Anniversary Edition of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, one of my all-time favorite books. The 60th Anniversary Edition begins with an introduction by Neil Gaiman, author of “American Gods” and ends with two supplementary material sections. Part One is “The Story of Fahrenheit 451” which explains Ray Bradbury’s process and the second part is called “Other Voices” where we hear from book critics describing their take on F451.
This classic is about a superficial society where books and reading are illegal. The main character, Guy Montag, is a fireman but not the kind of fireman we know of today. Instead of rescuing people and homes from fires, these firemen create fires to destroy books and even kill people who read them. It wasn’t the government that started censoring books; it was the people themselves! I highly recommend that you read this novel to find out what happens to Montag and to remember Ray Bradbury's cautionary tale!
~ Lex P.
~ Lex P.