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Moby Dick
By Herman Melville
We could all stand to learn a thing or two from this cautionary tale of how the recklessness of one man's obsession and his stop-at-nothing pursuit of the white whale destroys the lives of those around him. Melville's prose is beautiful and witty and the characters he creates are deep and complex. A must-read-at-least-once-in-your-life-book. Yes, it's long, but if you don't care to learn about whale anatomy and how to process a harpooned whale, you can skip those chapters!
~John B.

Brave New World
By Aldous Huxley
A wonderful read. Always great to read something by Huxley and Brave New World is an eternal classic.
A captivating look at a sterile, industrialized and calculated future. Perhaps a warning for a world that may lose itself and its magic.
~Lavinia P.

By Mary Shelley
The movie was better than the book! (ha! ha!) I kind of a hard time sticking with this book- the style of writing was very dated and I guess I just couldn't relate to it. I did, however, enjoy learning about the symbolism in the book- "The creature" represents the quest for knowledge, etc. Also- was enthralled with the brief history of the author's intriguing life with those "Romantics".
~Agnes W.

The Republic
By Plato
Very informative for working on my paper for Philosophy class. I could finally understand it.😍
~Valdajean J.