The first episode of Seinfeld premiered on July 5th, 1989 on NBC. The title of the pilot was "The Seinfeld Chronicles." The episode is based on Jerry`s confusion over whether a woman (Laura) he met in Michigan is coming to visit him because she`s interested in him romantically or just wants to see the sights. It turns out that Laura is engaged and Jerry gets dragged into a five hour boat ride around Manhattan. Thus began the show about nothing.
In the pilot, Kramer (Michael Richards), Jerry`s neighbor, was originally named Kessler. He`s based on Larry David`s neighbor, Kenny Kramer. While living in Manhattan, David and Kramer both came and went as they pleased through each other`s apartments. Kessler`s name was changed when Kenny Kramer signed off to allow Castlepoint to use his last name.
George Costanza (Jason Alexander) is Jerry`s long-time friend. The name Costanza came from Jerry Seinfeld`s real-life friend, Mike Costanza. Many actors were up for the part including Nathan Lane and Danny DeVito. Alexander prepared for the role by wearing wire-rimmed glasses and resurrecting his New York accent.
In the episode "The Library" Jerry learns he has a fine for a book (Tropic of Cancer) he borrowed from the New York Public Library in 1971. Convinced he returned it, Jerry and Kramer visit NYPL where they learn Jerry`s case has been turned over to an investigations officer named Lt. Bookman. Jerry then realizes, with the help of the girl he thought witnessed the book return, that he returned Tropic of Capricorn and loaned Tropic of Cancer to George. The copy of Tropic of Cancer was taken by George`s high school gym teacher (Mr. Heyman), who is now homeless and living outside of the library. At the end of the episode, we see the dilapidated copy of Tropic of Cancer lying next to Mr. Heyman.
Seinfeld`s first episode was met with tepid reviews, but four more episodes were ordered. They did not premier until May of 1990. After showing up in the TV ratings` top five every week, thirteen more episodes were ordered, the first premiering in January 1991. From then on we saw the birth of Festivus, Vandelay Industries, Sloppy Poppy, and one-liners still being quoted today. The show about nothing turned out to mean something.
Read about Seinfeld
Read Seinfeldia: how a show about nothing changed everything
by TV historian Jennifer Keishin Armstrong, to learn how Seinfeld made TV history.
Available in print, large type, and e-audio (available through our Libby app).
Watch Seinfeld
WPL has Seinfeld on DVD! Relive the series or watch it for the first time.
Armstrong, J.K. (2016). Seinfeldia: How a show about nothing changed everything. New York: Simon & Schuster.
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