Monday, September 14, 2020

Intro to Coding: Python for Beginners

So you are techy enough to use your smart phone, you often share memes on Facebook, and you post cute pics to Instagram…but have you ever wondered about the software that runs those platforms?

What is software anyway? How do all those cool apps work?

Coding – or programming – is the process of creating software. 

Did you know that the library offers a free class called Intro to Coding: Python for Beginners?  

Python is just one of scores of programming languages. What is a programming language? Like English or Mandarin or Spanish, it's a way of communicating with others. And just as English looks different from Swedish or Hindi, programming languages each have their own syntax and vocabulary.

But in this case, instead of communicating with other people, a programming language is used to create programs. And programs communicate the coder's instructions to the computer. 

Those instructions could be your instructions!

Intro to Coding: Python for Beginners is a 6-session class which meets on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Our next class begins on September 22. No prior coding experience is assumed.

Students will learn the basics of programming, including about variables, datatypes, loops, and logic. They will also learn the vocabulary of software development and best practices for writing code. 

And did I mention fun? Yup – this class is fun, and might even help you get a job or be promoted at your current employer.

Interested? Maybe?  You will also get a 90-page manual!

No grades, but if you attend all 6 sessions and do the homework, the library will give you a personalized Certificate of Completion.

(Yes, there's homework, but you do need to practice what you've learned, right?  😉  You'll get lots of feedback for your efforts!)

This class is offered once per season and we have a few spots left in our Fall class. Due to COVID, the class now meets online. You will need to be able to download software to your computer. 

You can register here - make sure you use an email address you will check at least daily:

Zoom registration link

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