Monday, June 24, 2024

Connect to online resources from the catalog

Connect to your favorite online resource directly from the library catalog! The new Aspen Discovery layer on our catalog allows us to highlight databases using placards. For example, if you type “product reviews” into the catalog, the below Consumer Reports placard will pop up along with books related to the keyword.

While this feature allows us to highlight specific resources, it enables you to locate them easily and also find related resources. Check the placards below for some keywords you can use to pull these up in the catalog.

Consumer Reports, Product Reviews and Product Comparison.

Craft, Hobby, Hobbies, Crafts, Tutorials, Exercise, Fitness, Crochet, Knitting, Sewing, Cake Decorating, Woodworking, Photography, painting, Drawing, Classes, Needlecraft, Handicraft, Quilting and Wildlife Photography.

Business, Products, Manufacturing and Consumer Data.

Teen, Tween, YA, Young Adult, Fiction, Nonfiction, Graphic Novels, Common Core, AP Classes, AP English, Classics, Middle School, Enhanced Book and Audio Enhanced Book.

At this time, resources owned by WPL are the ones with placards in the catalog and require a Worcester Public Library card for remote access. Check our databases page for a complete list of online resources available through the Worcester Public Library, Massachusetts Library System and C/WMars. 

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